Thursday, July 12, 2012

Yankee Stadium in October

When I think of baseball in October, I think of the Yankees. Last year they won their 27th World Series, by far the most of any Major League Baseball team. One of the things we vowed to do while we were here in New York was to visit Yankee Stadium in October so we could feel the playoff atmosphere. And with the Rangers taking a commanding three games to one lead in their best of seven series, we had to go for game five before the opportunity was gone.

Our goal was to walk around the stadium and at least take a few pictures for our friends and family that are Yankee fans. We then were going to go to a sports bar and watch the rest of the game while listening to the Yankee fans talk about their team. The outlook has been grim around here since the only fans I have heard speaking out are the Negative Nancies proclaiming that they are bums and the season is over. Some of these New Yorkers are hard to please. But always the opportunist, I knew this could work in our favor.

We stepped off the train and immediately a scalper asked if we needed tickets. Having been to many professional and college games, I knew this would happen. I also know how much face value of tickets to Yankees games are so I needed to assess the situation first. I told him no thanks and kept walking. The game had already begun but I wanted to know what it was looking like before we made our move.

So we walked in front of the stadium looking to hear the score and the inning.

Alongside the building we could hear the crowd cheer and we heard the loud speaker announce that it was a home run. Along side of the stadium, there are pictures of many of the current Yankees. We took pictures of many, and here is one of the Captain.

Further around the stadium I was able to peek in to a bar that had a TV within my visibility. The score was 5-0 and it was the 3rd inning. It was time to make a move. We found one guy who had seats next to him, but his price was too high. So we continued around and found a picture of arguably the greatest player ever, The Babe.

We wandered back to where we got off the train. Immediately we were approached about tickets. The price was a little higher than we wanted to pay but not by much. It was still a steal, but the situation looked shady since the tickets were printed from an online source. We paid the guy and walked up to the stadium gates with hesitation. When they scanned and we were in, we let all of our concerns go and smiled because we had just gotten in to a Yankees playoff game for $30 each! At this point I was loving New Yorkers for giving up their tickets so easily. Here there are murals of some of the greats from Maris to Mantle.

Yankee fans worldwide would kill to be in our shoes so we decided to find our seats. They of course were at the highest point in the stadium, but who cares! Here is our first view of the field from our seats.

The scoreboard with the Bronx in the distance.

Here are a few of the 27 Championship banners that line the stadium.

Here is a better view of the field with the Yankees up to bat.

The dugout with a better view of the ALCS symbol.

Nighttime falls and the Yanks just pulled out of a bases loaded jam to the delight of the fans.

After the sixth inning was over we decided to go find the concession stand. We have a habit of wandering the stadium when we do this as it makes for a more complete experience. Here is a close-up of action at the field level.

A picture of Jenn and Jeter for Grandpa.

Jeremy and his souvenir soda cup acting silly next to the bobblehead.

Further around the stadium we walked through the rowdy neck of the woods, the bleachers. A view from there.

Ninth inning, time for Mariano Rivera.

This was really as close as we could get to the monument as they close it 45 minutes prior to game time.

The game is over, and the Yankees have extended their season.

The bleachers have dispersed and I want to show my true loyalty. Jenn said I was going to get us killed. I said, nah we gave 'em Kerry Wood! (through Cleveland)

Can't leave Jenn out of the Yankee Hall of Fame.

The TBS boys share a chuckle during their taping after the game. From left are Dennis Eckersley, Matt Winer, Former Yankee David Wells, and Cal Ripken, Jr. This is where some fans ruin it for everyone. There were some idiots yelling obscenities at the announcers while the stadium was clearing out. One pair of fans were calling out Wells for only pitching one inning ten years ago vs. Florida while the rest of them were chanting "Boomer, Boomer." Another idiot yelled at Cal and told him his brother Billy was better. And to top off the stupidity, another guy chanted "Kirk Gibson" to Eckersley. I guess you have to give them credit for knowing their baseball, but some people don't know how to do anything but criticize. Gotta love New York!

As the stadium was cleared and the last fans were leaving the stadium, the field lie quiet wondering if it will see a World Series game this year.


  1. That's not Craig Sager, it's Matt Winer. And props to the dude who yelled "Kirk Gibson", love it.

  2. Oh, crap thanks for telling me that. I'll correct it. And yeah, it was pretty funny.
